Tired of...

I am trying to think about how best to describe the situation all of us are in today in Malaysia. I want to share my views on these issues:
1. Quality of construction work
2. Quality of education in general
3. Quality of human beings, workers, professionals
Ultimately, all these bring to our quality of life.

Quality of construction is very low compared to other countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, UK, US, Canada (those which I have seen with my own eyes). The quality of construction need reform not transformation. The word is reformation, not transformation. Everybody knows why. Stadium pun runtuh. It is because of C.

Quality of education. Have you ever heard that there are still pupils who cannot read and write who are allowed to enter secondary school? The only country in the world that produce undergraduate degree for future teachers but not securing the job because the Institute of Teaching now produce degree in education. We have U turned from BM to English and back to BM within a 50 year period post independence. When are we ever going to stablise our systems, if we keep on changing the systems. Policy makers should stop trying to proof themselves to leave 'a mark' every time they are holding their new positions. Instead they should be focusing on how to strengthen and improve the systems, and the practices.

Quality of human beings can only be changed through proper dissemination of knowledge, skills and attitude. Everyone must have skill sets that can help in nation building, or contributing to national growth, NOT skills that destroy the nation suhc as 'Rempit', 'Ragut', 'Buang Anak', 'Free Sex', or even "Singing to be artists AF, now idola kecil?????.....

I am fed up with the things that are happening to my own race... Wake up men. Wake up... Do something useful for the country. Change, Copy the GOOD things about other race, such as Japanese, HK, Indian, Mainland Chinese, etc .... Think.


fati berkata…
Berapa kerat yg mempunyai kesedaran seperti Saudara Shaari di Malaysia ni? Dan yang berapa kerat ni yang boleh atau mampu mengubah Malaysia? (selalunya yg berapa kerat ni akan dicantas dulu sebelum kesedaran itu dapat meluas).....
Tanpa Nama berkata…
Shaari..dah jadi amalan biasa skarang..payah memang payah..SPRM..PUIH..boleh percayakah?Kita tunggu & lihat..
mohd tumiran berkata…
Alhamdulillah ...! Aku bersyukur kerana mengetahui ada sahabat lama ku sbg cendiakawan yg menyedari "keperluan" bangsanya sebenar... Apa yg aku harap, Dr Shaari mampu membuat sesuatu utk membangkitkan bangsanya yg "sakit" ini... Salam...

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