It has been quite some time since my last entry to our blog. Well, for a married lady, as usual being a wife and a mother has always make us lost track of the time. The 24- hours that is being given to us each day doesn't seem to be enough. Since 4 out of my five children are back home, at least till this Thursday, I've been attending to most of their needs, especially the one studying in Australia.

First, the home quarantine that we had for the whole family. Alhough my girl was free from th H1N1 epidermic, we have decided to follow what the Ministry of Health had advised us to do. Anyway, 2 of my daughters who is a teacher and the other a Form 4 student, had to spend the one-week at their grandparents' house. So, my husband, my son and I had to accompany our daughter at home during the quarantine period. Luckily my husband is managing his own business, so he has already assigned his workers whatever their responsibilities are. As for me, since I am on MC till my official pension date, which is on 01.12.2009, it wasn't any problem for me to stay home for the quarantine. The happiest person during the quarantine is my son who is a Year 3 pupil! Even my maid was given a one week leave for her to spend in her village in Tanjung Balai, Sumatera. It was a blessing in disguise for her, I guess...

So, during the quarantine, there was so much that we did. "Gotong-royong" doing the housework, cleaning the house compound, washing the cars and of course, cooking. We were always hungry during the quarantine and for the first time I have managed to cook for my family almost every day! With so much effort from me and encouragement from my hubby and children, every meal seemed so special for everyone.

Alhamdulillah, none of us in the house had shown any symptoms of the disease. Moreover, I'm quite confident that my daughter is healthy even when she was in Australia because she has already been given the vaccine for normal influenza. At least, she has something acting as a shield to protect her from the disease.

After a week, everything was back to normal. My four chidren are now at home and we have also spent last weekend visiting my third daughter who is studying in MRSM Jasin. How my heart leapt with joy when the whole family managed to reunite after quite some time when my second girl left for Australia! Specifically at Monash University in Clayton, near Melbourne.

Well, tomorrow I have to go for my monthly check-up at Pantai Hospital. Hopefully, everything will be okay for me. I sure have a lot of good news to inform my cardialogist concerning the improvement and performance of my physical abilities. Just can't wait to see the smile on his face since I have tried to avoid using the wheelchair everytime I go for my check-up. 30 metres is my distance limit. Who knows it might increase one day, I hope it will be a blessing in disguise for me, Insyaallah...


asri berkata…
Be strong. Don't worry and be happy. Insya'Allah I will support you from far by any means.
asri berkata…
4 Usop u attached with very5 nostalgic songs. I can't stand on them.
kembara kelana berkata…
budak sains memang kuat...aku caya kau seorang yang tabah...
asri@wak kang
dua minggu lagu inggeris, dua minggu lagu melayu...untuk dua aliran..minggu mi dan minggu depan..bad companylah kita..selalulah ziarahi blog kita orang ni...untuk mendengar lagu sekurang kurangnya...
fati berkata…
Salam Lila...seronok baca entri Lila dan mengetahui serba sikit tentang kemajuan kesihatan lila sekarang... alhamdulillah Lila makin sehat nampaknya.
Eh...nasib baik anak Pati dah habis study kat sana tu ek, kalau tidak kami pun kena kuarintin juga kalau dia balik ye...rasanya org yg paling terseksa kalau kena kurintin tu mestilah pakwe pati tu...hehehe
Zaiha berkata…
SALAM, Moga sihat sejahtera dan perjalanan lebih bahgia lagi disamping orang-orang tersayang lagi di rahmati n dicintai ILAHI. Kami doakan kesejahteraan Lila sekeluarga.
bong berkata…
Salam utk Laila
Semuga semakin sihat dan sembuh. Tak pa Laila yag penting abang beri perhatian pada kita.
I will pray to u
Member lain ada satu virus yg agak bahaya juga B1N1 terutama Bagio dan Ucop.
Kalau kau nak tau aku beritau kemudian
Noorsham berkata…
Salam Norlila,

Betul tu...bukan senang nak dpt semua satu keluarga berkumpul bila dah umur2 mcm ni. Kalau nak pun bila hari raya jer. Tp kalau dpt pada hari bukan hari raya mesti seronok juga kan?..semoga Allah memberi rahmat pada keluarga Norlila
pakroslan berkata…
Salam Laila
agaknya bila nak rasa masakan awak tu.. Orang johor kalau masak gulai sembilang dgn daun kesum memang hebat.
hafizah berkata…
Salam Lila. Alhamdulillah awak dah bertambah sihat. Satu lagi, saya rasa hati seorang ibu, bila dapat tengok/jumpa semua anak2, sakitnya pun sembuh,ya tak?
norlilasamad berkata…
T.kasih Putrawaja, Yusof, Fati, Zaiha, Bong, Noorsham, Pak Roslan & Hafizah.
Sokongan dan doa dari rakan2 & orang2 di sekeliling sayalah yg memberi saya keyakinan utk terus bertambah sihat.
Memang betul la tu. Sebagai seorang ibu,antara saat yg paling bahagia ialah apabila semua anak2 dapat berkumpul.
Maaf lah Pak Roslan, cik Abang saya tak makan ikan yg bermisai. Jadi, menu tu tak adalah dlm senarai masakan saya. Ikan lain, boleh?

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