Commercial break!!!

Salam everybody. Sorry, tumpang lalu. Ini kan turn E2. Saya pulak anticlimax org tgh citer Madutiga. Cuma dari 19 hb tak de from E2 update, saya mencelahlah.

Cuma nak ingatkan kekawan, tomorrow 22nd July ada total solar eclipse. This I understand, will be the longest solar eclipse of this century, meaning of course, in our lifetime. The last solar eclipse was on Jan26 this year but it was an annular eclipse-where the sun, not completely obscured by the moon, appears as a bright ring around it.

The upcoming eclipse will last 6 mins and 39 secs and lucky residents of islands near Kyushu and Iwo Jima, Japan get to view it in totality.

We in Malaysia will probably be able to view a partial eclipse due to our location in relation to the moon's path. It seems we will be able to view it between 8.14am to 9.44am, peaking at around 9.11am.

So guys, have a blast and enjoy this incredible once in a lifetime phenomenon.
(Ps...ada amalan doa ke solat sunat ke , berkaitan dgn gerhana ni, yg boleh dikongsi???)


fati berkata…
Boleh buat solat sunat gerhana matahari 2rakaat tapi dalam tiap rakaatnya ada 2 rukuk dan 2 iktidal.
Boleh buat sendiran atau berjemaah, di rumah, disurau atau dimasjid ( lebih afdal dimasjid yg di dirikan solat Jumaat) Hukumnya sunat muakad. Sunat jugak mandi sunat sebelum buat solat sunat gerhana tu .... lebih kurang gitulah, kalau silap mana-mana tolong betul kan...
Noorsham berkata…
wow...saya ada terbaca, tp tak tau plak kat Mesia ni dpt tgk gak.

Ini sume menunjukkan kebesaran Allah...
hafizah berkata…
Ya,betul tu Norsham and Pati, TQ. Saya rasa memeang pernah terlintas solat sunat ni, tapi cari kat buku solat sunat tadi tak jumpa. Tq. Insyallah esok kita sama2 buat sekali sunat duha.
kembara kelana berkata…
idaman penuntut versi rumi ada versi jawi ada

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