Some Points to Ponder......

Hi Guys! Assalamualaikum. It has been quite sometime that I've been following our blog and enjoyed most of the entries. We've done quite a bit of reminicing of our days back in school. It was indeed nostalgic and sometimes we wish that we were closer we are now, over the internet.

Anyway, a lot and I mean, too much time has passed us and we sure have a great deal of catching up to do. The last 30 years, where were each of us, where did we further our education, how was our early career stage, how did we advance from there, did we make any career switch along the way, how we met our spouses, when did we all start a family, any DRAMA in between, what do each of us aspire to be ..... and which stage are we in now????? Are we 'THERE' yet????

Our time is short, and we should value every moment of it especially now we can do it together...well, sort of. I found this poem somewhere and like to share it with you. Here it goes;-

When as a child I laughed and wept-
Time crept!
When as a youth I dreamed and talked-
Time walked!
When I became a full-grown man-
Time ran!
Then as with the years I older grew-
Time flew!
Soon I shall find as I travel on-
Time GONE!!!!

Life is truly an eternal today so we need to reflect where we are now, career wise, physically and most of all spiritually!!!
My daughter has this quotation on her wall...."Every day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending." I guess, our happy ending not only meant now or when we die but more than that .... our investment for the Afterlife......

Guess it will be also good if we can share inspiring stories that we went through, our "aha!" moments and may be some good practices(amalan2) , with all our friends so that we can also benefit.

What do you guys think?????


kembara kelana berkata…
aku setuju 120% pendapat kau ha
sha'ri berkata…
Hafizah, great poem and definitely a lot of questions to answer. As for me, I am happy with what I have and could not be more happy for what Allah have given me. I have not dreamt of achieiving this far in my career (a professor), but don't worry if you meet me I am still me self. I have 4 kids 2 of them already in tertiary, or going, that is to US, like his father. I worked for Proton for 5 years that was my life time experience. Imagine I was one of the 13 fresh graduates selected from about 100 for training in Japan (If you want to speak Nihongo you can always use me as your sparring partner- I do speak Japanese until now, though many words already forgotten ne). I think that industry experience helped me become a better lecturer.I still contact my friends in the industry for my uni work. I guess all of us have gone through this worklife. And also yourself, but you have retired, right. But, I think the ultimate pleasure to me and my wife is in 2004 when God granted our doa to peform haj. That is ultimate. Mekkah, Madinah, Mina, Arafah, and all the holy places are just too beautiful, Nak pegi lagi tak kisah umrah ke haji ke, InsyaAllah. That's may be quartet of my life story.
norlilasamad berkata…
Ha,.just got the chance to read your entry.Makes me ponder, too.
Just came back from MRSM Jasin.Bagi semangat to my 3rd girl for her exam.
Well, in life, we win some, we lose some.ALLAH Maha Adil.Today is also my youngest & only boy's birthday. After 17 years of trying to get a boy...
Until end of 1999 when my hub & I got the chance to perform our 1st umrah. Alhamdulillah, finally our doa dimakbulkan, but my mum passed away 1 month before I gave birth to my son, Radin Muhammad Ghazi bin R.Suleiman...
kembara kelana berkata…
shaari...banyak pengalaman boleh dikongsi, tak macam aku ni dari sekolah ke sekolah
norlela...macma akulah...aku pun dapat sorang jer anak lelaki, dari 6 anak...5 perempuan, padan muka aku, dulu dengki sangat budak perempuan, nah ambik kau...bela 5 anak perempuan....jadi dilatih oleh tuhan untuk menyayangi perempuan...
kau bertuah
hafizah berkata…
Usop, jgn cakap gitu. Pensyarah ke, guru ke sama saja. Semua pun pendidik. Dulu Shaari pun pernah cakap, ajar kanak2 sekolah lebih susah. Pensyarah nak mengajar yg dah matang. Susahnye lain pula.

Shaari, thank you for sharing. Wah, dah besar juga anak awak. But of course anak2 saya lebih besar. My twins dua2 dah keje. Kak long dah dekat 2 tahun keje. Adek baru a few months. Deputy Public Procecutor under AG, tapi now posted to Kementerian Perdagangan. Kak Long pegawai latihan kat International Trade. Tapi yg 2 lagi,boys masih di primary.

Awak, ketua keluarga, tak bolehlah pencen awal macam saya. Saya dulu keje, bila dah senior sikit, naik2 pangkat, tentu tanggungjawabnye lebih banyak. Mula2 bawah KPJ,then with a construction firm. Stress giler!!! So when it gets too much, I discuss with my hubby and we both decided that one of us has to slow down. It was a decision though hard to make,but was right on time. I absolutely am very thankful to Allah for allowing me to be able to do exactly this.
Actually my hubby was and is quite good in his financial principle. He refuses to take any loan on any of our purchases. So if at certain point, we need to buy something, not enough in our savings, no go! That is why it was not too risky when I decided to retire end of 2001. We had no loan. Alhamdulillah, Allah maha pemurah. Rezeki kami anak beranak cukup dan kami sentiasa bersyukur.

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