RA30Y: Class Photo at Dinner






norlilasamad berkata…
Congratulations to YB & his team for a job well done. At last, our dream became reality.How lucky I am to be a part of the dream & being among the caring and kind-hearted people of SMSJ, esp. 5E1 guys. Thank you , friends, for all u have done for me.Giving me the greatest support and strength to carry on.I need strong people like you all in order to be strong, too.May ALLAH bless us all, ameen.
Tahniah kpd YB Said dan AJK. Maaf kerana tidak dapat hadir pada makan malam. Tetapi saya bersyukur kerana dapat juga hadir pada sebelah tengahari di SMSJ dan dapat berjumpa dengan kawan2. Insyaalah saya akan tetap menyokong aktiviti2 kelab.
Azida berkata…
Salam. Syabas dan tahniah pd YB... Sanjung tinggi usaha YB n famili. Emmm... kita dah ada kelab pulak ke... tak tau pun.. ni mesti tak mau ajek budak pompuan..hehehe
Noorsham berkata…
salam semua,

Norlila..thanks for your presence in this first after 30yrs reunion gathering. Actually yr presence with your family that gave us strength to continue our struggle in life. May Allah bless you and your family n all of us too.

Zulkarnail, thanks for coming in the afternoon despite of your schedule to take your mother-in-law for medical checkup later. And also thanks veru much to drop by at my parents house last night.

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